The Noise ColorFit Smartwatch is set to launch on Amazon this November 22 at a special price of Rs 3,999, marked down from its retail price of Rs 8,999. Don’t miss out—click ‘Notify Me’ on the Amazon page to stay in the loop!
Featuring an impressive AMOLED display, this new addition to the pro series boasts a 15% larger viewing area, 20% slimmer bezels, and 5x faster data transfer, delivering vivid visuals. Physical controls including a functional crown and power button are integrated into the smartwatch, along with a microphone and speaker, enabling convenient Bluetooth calling.
Powered by Tru Sync for stable connections and low power consumption, the smartwatch offers 100 sports modes to track and enhance workouts, while the Noise Health Suite includes 24×7 heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, stress management, and more to support overall health and well-being.
Designed for everyone, this smartwatch offers a variety of interchangeable straps in Classic Blue, Elite Rose Gold, Sunset Orange, and more, catering to various styles and tastes.