The Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 has a round 1.4-inch Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 450×450 pixels. It has two physical buttons and microphones on the right side, while the left side has the speaker grille near the bottom. And optical sensors for health and fitness tracking and a 5ATM rating for water resistance
It has an undisclosed 1.18GHz dual-core processor, 1.5GB of RAM, and 16GB of internal storage (7.5GB of which is user accessible). There is also dual-band Wi-Fi, GPS, and NFC connectivity for extra connectivity functionalities. The battery in the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 is 410mAh.
Software, interface, and app
The Galaxy Wearable app is required to set up and manage the connection between the smartphone and wearable in this setup.The interface works well, is simple to use, and is visually appealing.
Performance and battery life
Full-featured connectivity and an all-around experience are provided with the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5. Included in this are standalone applications with complete functionality, the capacity to make and receive calls through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or LTE, and the capability to react to some notifications right from the smartwatch itself. Blood oxygen tracking was accurate as well, but getting a complete reading was difficult in and of itself. Sleep tracking was adequate and provided helpful insights into the quality of sleep. It is only possible to obtain manual readings while seated with your arm in a specific position, On a single charge, the Galaxy Watch 5 operated for roughly 1 day and 15 hours.
This gadget is a true all-rounder, providing accurate fitness monitoring, full-featured smartwatch functionality, and great connectivity possibilities. In the market, the software fusion of Wear OS and Samsung OneUI Watch is also a significant distinction.The Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 has a few limitations, including the fact that it can only be used with Android devices and that tracking blood oxygen levels can be challenging. If you have an Android device as your primary smartphone, these smartwatches are often capable, skilled, and worth considering.