Lava is set to unveil its latest offering, the Prowatch, in India on April 23. Leading up to the launch, the company has provided a sneak peek into the watch’s design and highlighted some of its key features. This smartwatch marks Lava’s second foray into the fitness tracker market, following the introduction of the Lava BeFIT fitness band in January 2021.
According to teasers shared on the official social media handle Prozone (@ProZone_In), the Lava Prowatch will feature Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection for its round display, making it the first of its kind in this segment. However, pricing details are yet to be disclosed by the company.
The Amazon microsite dedicated to the Lava Prowatch confirms that the smartwatch will be available for purchase on the e-commerce platform. Scheduled for release on April 23 at 12pm IST, a landing page for the Prowatch is already live on the Lava Mobiles India website.
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